Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 54

The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.
        -Albert Einstein

The following entry is a bit different than my usual, but I think it is very fitting, nonetheless. It is the BIO Page of Ana White. I was very impressed by her bio; the way that she and her Husband have chosen to live is great. Self reliance, and living within your means. They are good examples of how to make it work...

I am a mother and homemaker from Alaska.  This is my daughter Grace.  We are working on the Momplex, a duplex we are DIYing for my mother and mother-in-law in Alaska!

I like to build things, especially things made of wood.  As a child, my idea of fun was salvaging old boards, pounding the nails out, and building forts in the woods of Alaska.  In college and beyond, I spent my Friday nights painting furniture I found just about anywhere.

Always too afraid of power tools, I constantly would think, I could make that, if someone would cut the boards for me.  So it's no surprise that I married the first man that was building something on our first date.  You know him as the Ram (short for Real Alaska Man).

When I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, we were living in the garage, saving to build a house.  I drew up a plan on graph paper and we started building.  My husband broke his ribs framing the house, I got over my power tool phobia, and my daughter learned to crawl on a cold garage floor because there is only so much one family can do in a short Alaska summer, building paycheck to paycheck.
(go to her page to read the rest,

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